Diabetes Disaster Plan

Insulin Pump Disaster Plan
Your meal time or your bolus insulin is the same vial insulin you fill your pump with. Backup syringes can be purchased over the counter at Walmart. If you are traveling, Walmart sells vials of insulin over the counter without prescription. Novolin N will act as your basal but must be taken every 12 hours (e.g. 20 units of Lantus once daily = 10 units of Relion/Novolin N twice daily). Insulin syringes can also be bought over the counter.
Things to do if your pump breaks and you cannot use it:
1. Disconnect the pump
2. Call the 1-800 number of your particular pump company: Medtronic 1-800-646-4633, Omnipod 1-800-591-3455, Tandem 1-877-801-6901, iLet , 1-855-745-3800.
3. Take __ units of backup BASAL insulin daily either by pen or vial (This would be the total of your Basal Rate. Eg, if your pump is set for 1 unit/hr, take 1 unit/hr x 24 hours = 24 units of Lantus or 12 units of over the counter Relion N twice daily (Can be purchased at Walmart)).
4. Dose for meals using your current insulin to carb ratio and correction factor. If you do not know your insulin to carb ratio or your correction factor, take 4 units of rapid acting insulin before meals.
5. Your blood sugars will not be perfect – it’s OK as this plan is to keep you out of the hospital only!
6. When your new pump arrives resume your previous settings. Please call the clinic during normal business hours to schedule a reprogramming of your pump.
Lastly, please make sure you have some kind of glucagon available for emergencies!